There are many factors that have major or minor effects on real estate demand. In this tech age, people rely on the internet, which then leads to petabytes or exabytes of data. That is how you find real estate demand online. But how exactly do you do it without buying thousands of dollars worth of data?

Finding the Real Estate Demand Data you Need

Real estate companies gather data by creating websites that are designed to find demand. It can be quite expensive, but with time you can get the real estate demand data that you need.

Without a website, you can do community surveys using social media or using newsletter subscriptions. You can also use search engine optimization and ad placements to see how many people are searching for specific keywords related to real estate demand.

There are many ways to collect data to study demand, but it should be based on your budget, location, and the ability of your audience to reach you.

Watch Out for Changes in the Local and International Market

When it comes to the local real estate market, you should study small businesses. Why? Because small businesses drives income and increases the value of a property. Remember how every time Starbucks puts up a shop, the real estate value of the area skyrockets?

The same goes for small businesses and medium-sized businesses in local areas. The more they expand and the more new businesses open, it means that people want to get closer and have access to these new and old businesses. Even if it’s an online business, the real estate value and demand will shoot up, as seen in Silicon Valley.

As for international businesses, look to the superpowers. Whatever they are doing, it means that the rest of the world will follow suit. The demand and value will increase incrementally based on the country’s GDP.

For example, if China starts developing luxury condominiums, you can’t expect a country like Argentina to do the same due to the current state of their economy. However, if you think about countries like the Philippines, their economy is allegedly rising, which then opens up opportunity for increase in real estate demand.

How Are People Feeling?

Consider the surveys about population outlook. When a country is happy, they will be happy to spend. When a country is not that happy, they will not want to spend as much. The key to this is determining how much a person or a company is willing to spend depending on how the country is doing emotionally.

A country at war is a big no-no. A country experiencing a huge dip in the stock market is another place you want to avoid. The same goes for states. Each state in the US has a different economic climate, so you have to watch for how people feel about that. Are they happy with the economy? If yes, they will buy. If not, they will buy low.

What are people doing?

The last factor is what people are doing or experiencing. Divorce rates, death rates, health care experiences, and more can affect the demand in an area. People research thoroughly when looking for homes or commercial properties. They will know what happened in the area and they will consider that. That’s why places where people died, got divorced, experienced minor to major crimes have less demand and therefore, less value.


Now, all of these information is available online. You can Google it, ask in forums and communities, or set up your website to collect this information. As for geography and economy, you can simply check government and .org or .edu websites for that.


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By Admin

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